The Amazon Rainforest. The largest rainforest on the planet. Home of a
wide variety of flora and fauna yet to be discovered by man. Some even
say its unique flora may contain the cures to nature's most stubborn
Tonight, this rainforest is getting wrecked!
Jones, the space marine known colloquially as Jonesy, shall be fiting
the young janitor Alexander Triden. Since this is a special arena fite,
we sought an on-site correspondent as per the norm, but I have the
feeling this one will be even less useful than the others. Plucked from a
native tribe is some Amazonian shaman whose name escapes us. We've just
been calling him Dale. We taught Dale the Shaman some English but...
well, let's go to him and show you what we mean. Dale the Shaman, tell
us about tonight's fite!
"Tonight. Yellow hair warrior cleaner
fite red armor space lady. Big fite. Bad for forest. Space lady have
fire throwers. Fire bad for forest. Yellow hair warrior have magic
blade. Dale fear for spirit of forest."
That was Dale the
Shaman's way of saying Alex is bringing Excalibur and Jonesy is bringing
her flamethrowers. Also worthy of note are Alex's wind and earth magic
skills and Jonesy's new telekinetic and psionic abilities. Amidst the
trees and wildlife these two shall fite, so let's get it on! Jonesy and
Alex, it's time to Fite Yer' Mate!
The two competitors stand before Gezora and Dale the Shaman. The coos of
exotic birds and the hollers of monkeys of the howler variety pepper
the air. Alex grips Excalibur tightly as Jonesy turns on her weapons'
pilot lights. All they need is the signal to start...
And there it is!
Flames shoot forward from Jonesy's suit, but
Alex is able to dive out of their path. The fire quickly ignites nearby
brush, but Alex whips up some wind magic that both slams into Jonesy and
puts out the flames. Jonesy's massive metal suit prevents the wind from
doing anything greater than making her take a few steps back, so the
space marine again sprays her fire-throwing weapons to try and get a
wildfire started early. Alex quickly teleports out of the range of the
attack, but his unreliable new teleportation skill causes him to appear
right next to a tree. What's so bad about teleporting next to a tree,
"Yellow hair warrior seem to have moved fast next to tree... but tree branch was in way."
the knight reformed by the tree, a branch was at mouth level with the
knight's head. The branch lodges into the left cheek of the young
janitor. Alex screams in horror and quickly teleports away in hopes of
not being harmed to greatly by the teleportation mishap, but when he
reforms near Jonesy, there is now a gaping hole in his cheek.
"Warrior should be more careful. Warrior should not move so fast."
is unable to hear Dale the Shaman's wise words though, because fire
quickly begins to envelope the boy distracted by a bloody hole in his
cheek. Much of Alex's armor is able to take the fire easily, but Alex's
skin and hair are soon ignited by the dual flamethrowers. Jonesy walks
closer and closer to Alex, trying to get more of the janitor into the
flames' reach. Alex begins to back up, trying to conjure up some sort of
spell to block the flames, but the fire burning him alive is a bit
Alex stumbles backwards more and more as the flame's
begin to move through the various degrees of burning. Luckily for his
skin, the battle takes place close to the Amazon River! The knight
realizes this and quickly throws all his focus into casting an earth
magic spell. A large spire slams into Jonesy, giving Alex the time he
needed to leap into the river to douse the flames. The earthen spire
manages to completely destroy one of the suit's flamethrowers, causing a
horrible backlash in Jonesy's left arm. Jonesy quickly struggles to
remove the left arm's plating as flesh is burnt by the broken weapon.
"Fiters hurting selves more than opponent."
runs to the river bank to douse her own hand and then glares at the
water in anticipation of the knight's resurfacing. Alex is patiently
waiting beneath the water, watching Jonesy stand above him on the shore.
Caiman swim harmlessly about in the water, apparently not hungry for
the knight. Piranhas also swim by harmlessly, because honestly piranhas
aren't very vicious unless starved. Heck, even that overblown catfish
the Candiru swims by without incident!
"Nature respect boy who wish nature no harm. Nature on yellow hair warrior side."
words prove true as a jaguar stalks towards Jonesy. Jonesy is too busy
waiting for the knight to resurface to register the spotted big cat's
approach, but when she gets tackled... she simply grabs it and snaps its
neck. The armor offered way too much protection for nature's creatures
to harm her. But there is something that can penetrate that armor:
Alex leaps out of the water and rams his sword directly into Jonesy's stomach!
Jonesy's organs are destroyed by the blade's path, and the space marine
falls to the ground dead. Alex stands back and looks at Jonesy in shock.
Most fites were longer than this, but it is possible just to strike the
right place and win the match! Alex begins celebrating his victory, but
something feels off. The air around him feels thin, and a strange voice
seems to come to him.
It's the voice of Dale the Shaman.
"Beware mirage of the mind..."
begins to lose his breath and falls over onto Jonesy's corpse,
struggling for breath. His lungs seem to fill with fluid as he continues
desperately gasping.
On the shore of the river stood Jonesy,
concentrating so she could project a false victory into Alex's mind. In
the water, Alex struggled to breath as he saw a world that is not
The hole in Alex's cheek did not help with the whole "holding your
breath underwater" thing, and as water he could no longer sense flowed
into his lungs, Alex could do nothing to free himself from Jonesy's
illusion of the mind. It looked like this would be it. Losing by
Suddenly though, the image snaps away. Alex can once
more see he is in the Amazon River, but he is too weak to swim. He was
almost out of air, and his muscles were not responding. Before he closed
his eyes though, he could have sworn he saw a pink dolphin who looked
eerily familiar...
Alex is pushed onto shore by a pink blur.
Struggling for breath, the knight pulls himself up and looks around.
Dale the Shaman and Gezora are there, the forest is there, some brush
was burning... But where was Jonesy?
Obscured by the trees,
Jonesy has removed her helmet and is regurgitating blood. The image was
too long and difficult to sustain, and she no longer could maintain it
without wracking her brain to the breaking point. Hiding her weakness
behind the trees, Jonesy quickly wipes her face clean of any remaining
blood and takes a breather. She had a feeling Alex would not die in the
water after the illusion was broken, so she prepared herself for his
But she did not expect it to come as quickly as it did.
Jonesy reaches down to pick up her helmet, but a chunk of earth shoots
up, slamming her on the chin and sending the helmet flying into the
depths of the forest. Jonesy spins around, her nose now broken from the
force of the blow. Jonesy cannot see Alex, so she begins torching all of
the forest around her with her remaining flamethrower. Alex is forced
to jump out from his cover as the rainforest is now enveloped in a
humongous wildfire.
"Wish could say it surprise, but it not. Fire consume forest spirit. Woman kill forest..."
Dale the Shaman begins to convulse in fits of prayer to try and heal
the forest spirit, Alex hefts up his sword and slashes forward at
Jonesy, shearing off a huge chunk of Jonesy's armor. Jonesy responds
with a nasty punch to the knight's face, the metallic right hook
accentuated by the flamethrower it held. The right side of Alex's face
is horribly maimed by both the harsh punch and the harsh flames, leaving
Alex's face looking like a Halloween zombie mask. Alex tries to cast a
healing spell, but Jonesy grabs his arm with her big metal hand.
sickening snap is heard as the wrist is broken, but Alex's other hand
quickly brings Excalibur over and slices off Jonesy's hand and the
nozzle of the flamethrower! The fire, no longer concentrated by the
cone-shaped ending of the weapon, sprays randomly about until Jonesy
uses her badly burnt hand to stop it. Jonesy's hands are seriously
maimed, but she still has large metallic legs!
Jonesy begins to
do some rather lithe kicks in her Firebat armor, the hefty armor giving
her kicks bone-shattering strength. Alex takes a few to his sides, but
Excalibur once more swings forwards. Jonesy backs up and is just barely
able to dodge the blow, but in doing so she backs into a burning tree.
Her ponytail ignites, and she begins frantically batting at it with her
damaged hands.
Alex uses the distraction to plunge his sword
square into Jonesy's chest. Jonesy sputters and coughs up a bit more
blood as Alex removes the blade from her chest. The female space marine
struggles to move, but her body begins to fail. It appears the move she
had simulated in the illusion earlier had just became reality. Jonesy
falls to the ground, struggling to try and get a last move in on Alex.
looks down at Jonesy and begins to wonder if he should help her, but
suddenly the flames grow stronger, and the knight is once more ignited.
Fleeing the foliage to seek the safety of the Amazon River once more,
Alex leaves the struggling Jonesy to the burning forest.
Jonesy tries her best to scream after him. She's not dead yet! She can still fite!
the Shaman's prayers are getting louder and more frantic. The forest
seems to sway... The tree Jonesy had bumped into began to fall down.
Whether it was the prayers of the shaman, the spirit of the forest, or
just the fire finally weakening it enough that caused it, the tree fell
down onto the injured space marine.
Jonesy screams in pain and
tries to free herself, but she no longer has the energy to do so. As the
fire begins to consume her, Jonesy slips into unconsciousness...
"The forest spirit claims revenge. The forest is at peace."
Despite what Dale the Shaman says, the wildfire still runs wild through the forest. Nothing can stop it!
"Gezora is getting tired of these arenas hurting it as well!"
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