Friday, January 16, 2015

Fite 52- Chaos vs. Order: Going Full Circle (Saberwulf vs. Designate_5)

On June 22nd, Fite Yer' Mates began for the year. Saberwulf took down Designate_5 in the arena and jump started the chain of events that would bring us here. After a year of fites, a Big Bar Brawl, a costume contest and a singing contest, battles against huge foes and battles between friends and foes, we now come here again to see Saberwulf fite Designate_5. Their first battle was simple one, but as the year continued, both discovered they had far more capabilities than they once believed. Saberwulf uncovered his ability to manipulate the universe and cause disorder, whereas Designate_5 discovered his ability to restore order to the cosmos. Although order cannot exist without chaos and vice versa, we shall now see these two representatives of these forces fite in the arena for the Final Fite of the year!

Alright everybody, it's finally time. Designate_5 and Saberwulf, it is time to once again FITE YER' MATE!
Saberwulf rides into the arena on a velocipede, dressed in 1800s garb until he dismounts it and instantly poofs into his normal attire. Blue energy floated around him, a physical manifestation of his chaotic powers. Designate_5 stood in the arena, his suit clicking and whirring as its systems and various necrotech activate to channel the forces of the cosmos. The mutated merchant and the skeletal necronaut share a moment of silent glaring. Our referee Gezora gives the signal for the last fite of the year to begin.

Surprisingly, Designate is the one to charge towards his opponent. Saberwulf floats in place, and when the necronaut is near enough, the ground beneath them begins to crumble. Designate scrambles to find some dirt that wasn't falling into the seemingly endless abyss that was quickly replacing the arena's floor, but the entirety of the ground is sucked into the darkness. Before Designate_5 could fall into it though, his suit began performing a function that turned parts of the abyss into solid matter that the necronaut could walk on like stepping stones.

Saberwulf was glad to see he wouldn't win with such a simple first attack. The merchant pulled out of the air origami shurikens, which he proceeded to hurl at his opponent. The shurikens were as sharp if not sharper than their metal equivalents, but as they entered the aura of Designate's suit, it normalized the papercraft into its nonlethal normal form. The paper throwing stars bounced uselessly off of armor or burned in the blue fire around Designate's skull, and the skeleton lifted up his arm.

The Stripper Cannons used in their second battle during the Big Bar Brawl open fired on Saberwulf once more, but the mutated man now had a way to counter the beam that could demolish worlds. Grabbing the beam with his bare hands, the merchant began compressing the blast until it shifted into a red velvet cake celebrating some arbitrary white collar worker's promotion. Saberwulf samples a bit of the frosting before hurling the cake towards Designate, but the skeleton makes sure to dodge it. If it had passed through his suit's normalcy aura, it would turn back into a world-demolishing energy beam.

Saberwulf launched himself towards Designate with a piston-loaded spring he had conjured beneath his feet. Designate reaches outwards and grabs Saberwulf before the merchant could begin any sort of assault after his launch. Saberwulf struggles in the grip of his foe, but the metallic hands of the skeleton were too strong. Designate used one of his hands to grab Saberwulf's facemask, but he did not tear it off. Instead, another set of necrotech began to activate.

"Your chaotic powers are a crutch Saberwulf. Without them, you cannot hope to defeat me. I shall leech your abilities and render you a normal human being in all aspects. No longer shall you be a mutant with the power to bend space. You will simply be David, and I shall easily destroy you."

As soon as Designate ceases speaking, the technology of his suit begins to cause Saberwulf to change. All the mutations of the merchant melt away and are replaced with normal human skin. The chaotic powers disappear, and the blue energy that surrounded him vanished. Soon, Designate was holding a regular human in his hands above a black abyss. The skeleton let go, sending David tumbling down to the blackness below.

Designate_5 could not see where his opponent ended up, but he assumed the abyss would soon destroy the weakened merchant. As the necronaut awaits some indication of his foe's death, he does not notice the cloud of chiggers that floated above him. A downpour of mites began, and even though the normalcy aura made some disappear immediately, it could not deal with so many tiny beings all at once. The chiggers crawled into Designate's suit and began trying to find a way to destroy the necrotech, but one of the suit's systems immediately sends the bugs back out with puffs of compressed air. The chiggers reform into David, who seemed to still be human, but somehow had regained his powers.

"Don't you see, Designate? Chaos is forever growing, and even if order can contain all the chaos there is at the moment, the next time an atom moves, entropy is back in play. You can kill all my powers, but every second of the universe's continued functions gives me the powers I need back!" Saberwulf laughs and begins to form a shield made out of a Rössler attractor and some arm blades out of a Lorenz attractor. Using the exhibitions of chaotic flow as weaponry, Saberwulf charges towards his opponent, ready for some more traditional looking fiting.

Designate immediately switches his game plan, drawing on the power of his suit to create Cosmograms before him. The symbols unleashed waves of energy at Saberwulf, and although the merchant dodged most of them by unnaturally bending his spine, one of the cosmogram's beams shears off a bit of the chaos-wielding man. Saberwulf quickly creates an artificial replacement for the lost flesh and muscle and ran the last bit of distance he needed to be finally within arm's length of Designate_5.

The fields of chaos and order meet.
The meeting of chaos and cosmos causes the two to spin around in a circle as the forces try to sort the fite out themselves. Eventually though, the forces push too hard against each other and the two fiters are sent flying. Designate lands on one of his stepping stones, but Saberwulf is forced to create a dirigible for him to land on and recover. The space where the two had collided was now distorted and pulsing. Designate took note of this and decided to try and keep the battle a long distance one, conjuring up more cosmograms and making Russian cosmists proud.

Concentrated beams of icy order sail towards Saberwulf, but the merchant whips up a shield made out of anarchistic newspapers. The beam converts the papers into communist propaganda before it decimates them, but the shield is effective and Saberwulf is unharmed. The representative of chaos unleashes a few butterflies, who begin flapping their wings to make tornadoes. Designate's suit emits a weird supernatural steam which quickly turns the arena's air into doldrums and suffocates the butterflies in an instant. Saberwulf's outfit quickly converts into that of an old diver's suit, the classic helmet and all. Locked in with his own air supply, he does not die from the suffocating smoke that escaped from the necronaut's suit.

Saberwulf begins lumbering towards Designate, a rainbow bridge now extending from the dirigible towards the necronaut's stepping stone. The skeleton activated another odd system and fired upon his opponent, and soon the diving suit began dissolving into base metals and elements. The necrotech was eliminating alloys and converting to basic atoms, but Saberwulf's chaos field protects his actual body from these effects. Saberwulf is just a few feet from him when Designate decides to drop the whole order versus chaos business.

"We both can mess around with the universe, but lets just see which one of us can actually win in hand-to-hand combat." Designate_5 allows his field of order to dissipate, and Saberwulf is intrigued by the suggestion of a sporting brawl. The chaos field seems to disappear as well. The two stand facing each other, one standing on a rainbow bridge and the other on a stepping stone of the cosmos's energy.

Punches are exchanged. The merchant had difficulty finding a good place to hit a skeleton with full-body armor and a flaming skull, and Designate found it near impossible to find a part of Saberwulf's armor that was not reinforced enough for the blows to actually hurt. They quickly realize their plan of plain old fisticuffs was not going to work, so they both back up and activate their universal energies once more.

Designate is quick to create more massive cosmograms and blast a beam at Saberwulf. The entire left half of the merchant is blasted away, and for a moment, it looked like Saberwulf was dead. But then, the organs and muscles of the remaining half plopped out and hovered like they would have if the left side's skin was still there. Apparently, all of Saberwulf's left side except for the flesh, fat, and clothing retreated into his right half when the necronaut fired his cosmogram's beam. Now standing with a body that looked like something from a pandering horror movie, Saberwulf considered his next move. He could heal, but he did look a bit like a badass...

Designate readied more cosmograms, but Saberwulf fired beams of his own energy at them. The cosmograms turned into corporate logos and fell into the abyss below. In fact, the abyss seemed to be churning now. Out of the darkness, a humongous beam of all the energy and ammunition ever used in the Fite Yer' Mates arena shot out and slammed into Designate. Designate's tech struggled to deal with the blow, but it was only barely able to prevent the necronaut from being decimated. The beam pushed the skeleton up out of the arena and into outer space.

Gezora begins readying a telescope to see if Designate is okay, but Saberwulf quickly creates a television screen to broadcast the necronaut's position. Designate is floating about in the darkness of space, and he seems to be readying some necrotech of a rather grand scale. Around the skeletal astronaut, space began to freeze as perfect order began to spread from Designate like a virus. Saberwulf curses, hoping that he hadn't just given Designate the power or position he needed to turn the universe into a boring old place of rules and reality.

Saberwulf begins moving his arms around in the air, forming a more proper ground equivalent around his feet. As the clay of a tennis court from somewhere in the world teleports into the arena and forms beneath the merchant's boots, the air in the arena becomes thick. Iron begins to form, and soon the shape of a cannon could be seen. The entire Earth begins to get chilly as the encroaching ice of perfect order breaks into orbit. The giant cannon continues to take shape, and soon Saberwulf is holding a weapon the size of a building on his shoulder. With one of his arms he forms the ammo for the weapon, a tiny sun that immediately begins expanding upon creation. As the fledgling star begins to grow, Saberwulf tosses it up into the cannon's barrel and fires.
The sun continues to expand as it leaves the arena and continues into the atmosphere. The frosty embodiment of order's power continues to creep forward, but suddenly the star of chaos slams into it. The ice, clearly not the same ice that abides to the whole "melts when hot" variety we are accustomed to on Earth, begins to try and devour the sun. The star's flames begins to falter, but the core of the gaseous ball of energy continues to grow, and even as the ice tries to consume it, it finds that it is pressing too hard on an unstoppable force. The ice breaks, taking the chunk of space that had surrounded the sun out of existence. People would later call this the hole in the ozone layer and attribute it to global warming, but we will always know better.

The sun was now too large to be stopped. The rest of the ice broke easily as it continued towards Designate, who was exerting all his power to try and achieve perfect order. The sun approaches him, and he is forced to drop his tactic when he sees it.

All the ice disappears, and Designate stares unblinkingly at the approaching star.
Designate readies his Stripper Cannon, setting it beyond the point of safety in hopes that a self-destructive blast could shatter the star. He might lose his arms, but he might survive the blast of Saberwulf's cannon. Designate opens fire with his arm cannons.

The two points where the beam would have made contact with the star bend and twist until two holes appear. The beams of the Stripper Cannon fly uselessly through, going on to decimate some other star in some other part of the galaxy. Designate looks on in disbelief, but then he realizes something. On top of the star stood Saberwulf, who had teleported up there while no one was looking. He had bent the star to prevent its decimation, and now he exerted all of his power to push the sun the last bit of distance he needed to burn his foe.

Designate's systems struggled to find a solution, but they could not find a way to handle such a large target. The sun enveloped Designate_5. Designate screams as the star decimates his armor and body.

After Designate is destroyed entirely by the sun, Saberwulf shrinks it back down and destroys it in a small supernova. Saberwulf, though, is completely exhausted. Chaos could only sustain him so far. The merchant began falling down to Earth, the atmosphere burning his now unprotected body as it reentered orbit. He slammed back down in the arena, creating a rather large crater in the clay court.

His body was broken and burned horribly. It appeared lifeless... And then it twitched. Saberwulf's body tore open, and another version of himself stepped out of the body. He used his old body as a cocoon to protect him from reentry troubles, but even as he stepped out of it in a freshly created body, he could only stand for a few seconds. The merchant fell to the ground, intensely exhausted from the battle.

Saberwulf has won. Fite Yer' Mates has gone full circle. It has been an amazing year with amazing twists and turns. I've enjoyed having you all fite in my arena, and I'm glad I was appointed host. But now, we have reached the end. This year is almost over, and Fite Yer' Mates is wrapping up. This has been your ghostly host, Jumpropeman, and I'll see you all when the next Zoofights starts up. Enjoy the Zoofights VI Final everyone!

Gezora walks out of the Fite Yer' Mates arena, turning off the lights and locking the door to it. Placing its referee cap on a rack, Gezora walks away, its duty as referee finished.
"See you all next year..."

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