Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fite 27- Two Crazy Axe Murderers (Eddie vs. Garnet)

The air is thick with the scent of musk and leather. Eddie Rigs stands at one end of the arena, tuning his guitar and taking practice swings with his massive new axe. On the other end, Garnet adjusts her animal pelts and slams her hammer into the ground to warm up. Both competitors want to prove their strength. Eddie may have lost to a vacuum in the past, but he wasn't ready to lose to the barbarianess. Garnet was ready to prove her might to her new friends. Nothing rides on this battle except reputation, and probably one of their lives, but life isn't that important compared to reputation! Eddie and Garnet, prepare to Fite Yer' Mate!
Eddie starts off by whipping his guitar out and beginning to play a riff. Garnet sees this and tries to think of a way to stop him from finishing the ditty from her position across the arena. Her mind turns back to a time from less civilized days where she fought a beast called the Belmodar, a beast from whom she learned a powerful move.

Garnet glows yellow and blue as a strong electrical current shoots out and electrocutes her guitar-playing opponent. Megavolt causes Eddie to drop his guitar as he trembles from becoming a makeshift lightning rod for Garnet's blue magic. Garnet uses the electrical stun to rush towards Eddie with her hammer, taking a massive swing right at his face. Eddie is barely able to regain himself quickly enough to duck beneath the blow and kick out at Garnet's shin, causing her to stumble forward and conk heads with the roadie. Unfortunately, they both have long hair, allowing it to get entangled during this conk, meaning they can't walk away from each other.

What follows is a very clumsy close range battle. One of Eddie's hands tugs at his hair, trying to free himself as the other repeatedly pounds the arm Garnet held her hammer in. Garnet's free hand also tugs at Eddie's hair, trying to remove it from the tangle. She kicks out at his legs, which he quickly hops back to avoid. Her hammer hits into Eddie's side, but she's unable to gain proper momentum for the swing and barely harms the musician. Eddie laughs at the situation as Garnet opens her mouth in a wide grin.

But it wasn't just a grin. She was readying the Suriander's attack: Aqua Breath. A stream of water (not vomit, thankfully) shoots out of Garnet's maw and soaks her foe's head and torso with high-pressure water. Hair is ripped from it roots on both competitors as the water stream begins to push them apart, but Eddie suddenly pulled up the Blade of Ormagöden and slashed their hair in twain Rape of the Lock style, except without all the jocoserious narration. One wonders why he didn't do this in the first place, but then they see Eddie clutching his now much shorter hair. The usually jovial roadie mourns his headbanging hairdo briefly, but quickly hefts the axe back up so he can fite the water-spewing woman.

Garnet had no such attachment to her hair, so she swiftly began her assault after the entanglement was solved. Her hammer swung forward, with proper momentum this time, and slammed into one of Eddie's shoulders, but the blow only barely harmed the muscly arm. Eddie raised his axe with the injured arm and swung it towards Garnet, slashing off a bit of fur from part of her pelt armor. Garnet moved too fast for the blade to make any serious contact, but each swing nicked of tiny bits of flesh or armor, leaving Garnet on the defensive. She would try to swing her hammer forward only to find an axe sailing towards her midriff or head. Garnet, in a flashy move, back flipped away from Eddie, kicking him on the chin while doing so.

Eddie staggered, but he used the moment of Garnet's fleeing to retrieve his instrument. Slamming his actual axe into the ground, he played a riff on his instrumental axe and healed the wounds he had suffered so far, but his hair remained short. He shrugged, he'd learn to deal with the tighter style, and quickly began to play a different song on the guitar.

Once Garnet's flipping ended, she noticed Eddie once more trying to play a song. She readies another Megavolt, but the song Eddie played ended before she could electrocute him. Garnet halts her blue magic casting and looks around worriedly. She looks upward, hoping a metal blimp would not fall on her. She looked around, seeing if any elements were dancing in rhythm to the music. All seemed normal, except she could hear a slight rumbling. She looked at the ground, worried it would rebel against her, but the rumbling was not the ground itself. Something was coming. Somethings were coming.

Tons of tiny hedgehog like creatures appear first, their spikes made of metal. The Ground Urchins scattered around the arena haphazardly as larger creatures stampede in after them. The wispy forms of deer with razor sharp horns appear next. The Raptor Elks leap about as they advance towards Garnet. The next beasts are large beasts with metal jaws and spikes coming out of their bodies. The Tollusks scoop up Ground Urchins and devour them for sustenance as they charge towards Garnet. The last two beasts are six-legged and wooly. The Hextadons calmly walk forward as Eddie hops up onto one of them. The beasts had answered the call. The Call of the Wild.
 Garnet looks at all the strange beasts around her. She smiles. She knew Eddie knew that she would want this challenge. Garnet begins to glow red, she allows herself to go Berserk. Her hammer swings about wildly as she gives up control to the primal urges. Ground Urchins shatter beneath her hammer's weight and Raptor Elk skulls crack open from powerful swings. The barbarianess is all over the arena smashing into the weaker opponents when a Tollusk comes up from behind and leaves a huge gash on her back from one of its metallic tusks.

Garnet swings around and tries to bust the beast's chops with her hammer, but the metallic jaws snap down around her hammer and gulp it down. Garnet is unaffected in her Berserk rage, but suddenly a song fills her ears. The air turns orange as the Light of Dawn penetrates through the roof that was still fractured from the zeppelin's arrival during FITE WEEK. Garnet's Berserk fades and she looks towards Eddie, who begins to play the solo Battle Cry. The beasts were suddenly empowered and all turn towards the unarmed Garnet. Garnet laughs. A beast called Caladrius taught her a perfect move for when she was surrounded.

The Tollusk readies its jaws to bite down on Garnet when a drop of green rain falls on the beast, searing through its flesh. Soon, more droplets of the rain fall down on the other beasts, burning through their bodies. Acid Rain had begun to fall, and only Garnet was immune to its stinging downpour.

Eddie struggles to keep up a consistent stream of healing riffs so that his animal buddies wouldn't melt in the acidic rain. He now crouched beneath the Hextadon for cover as the beast silently took the pain of the rain like a champ. Around him he could see Ground Urchins and Raptor Elks dash towards his healing riff only to end up an ooze of metallic parts and skeletons. The remaining Tollusks fought through the pain, their metallic jaws snapping away at Garnet as she expertly dodged them. She bounced from the ground onto Tollusks and caused them to accidentally attack each other. As the rain began to die down, Garnet used Megavolt on the Tollusk who had consumed her weapon. The beast froze up, allowing her to quickly clamber on to it and command it forward. The beast caved under her will, attacking the other Tollusks and tearing the hardly living beasts to shreds.

Around Eddie a pitiful group of scared beasts stood. The two Hextadons stood proud though, surviving the rain and fully healed of its damages. Eddie ventured out from under the beasts and urged the urchins and elks forward. Garnet was charging towards them on the shambling mount of a Tollusk she had tamed. The Tollusk ripped through the smaller beasts with ease, but as it got closer to Eddie, the Hextadons reared back and slammed the ground. A shockwave shot out, causing the Tollusk to stumble and buck Garnet away. The elks and urchins were on the Tollusk faster than you can say Heavy Metal, tearing the beast apart with their antlers and spines. Garnet could see the hilt of her hammer in the Tollusk's remains, but the monsters Eddie had summoned rushed towards her, blocking her path to the weapon.

Garnet spit out some blood, as she spread her legs akimbo. Her next move was difficult to use, but after slaying so many Cactuars, she had finally mastered it. From Garnet's body shot 1000 Needles.

Raptor Elks stumbled as the needles finished the weak creatures off. The Ground Urchins did even worse. Eddie, his force dwindled down to the Hextadons and a handful of elks and urchins, quickly dismissed the littler creatures. They gathered behind him, hoping to help, but unable to do much besides watch in horror as the other creatures fell. Eddie played another song on his guitar Clementine.

Garnet's needlestorm was interrupted when a massive anvil chained itself to her feet. The Anvil of Burden solo locked her into place. Eddie placed Clementine safely with an elk, who rushed it off away from possible harm. He hefted up the Blade of Ormagöden.

"I believe this was supposed to be a close combat match?"

Eddie walked towards Garnet, who struggled against the anvil of the Titans that held her down. She didn't want to be immobile, and she desperately wanted her hammer. Garnet shot out some Sticky Goo at Eddie, a move she had learned from a Cruller. Eddie was stuck in place, and Garnet used the moment to allow herself to reenter Berserk. With the new boost to her strength, she hefted up the anvil and held it like a weapon. Garnet no need hammer for crushing. Garnet crush good with anvils too.

Eddie struggled against the Sticky Goo, but there was nothing he could do! The remaining urchins and elk began to try and remove the goo from Eddie. Garnet charged towards them though, the anvil high above her head and ready to crush the roadie. Then, the two Hextadons charged towards her. One Hextadon slammed against the anvil and deflected Garnet's powerful blow at the cost of one of its metallic tusks. The other reared up and slammed down, sending out a shockwave and sending Garnet onto her back. The anvil weighed down on her prone body, but even though it snapped bones, Berserk let her push through the pain and stand back up as if snapped bones were no worse than a boo boo.

Eddie gets out of the goo just in time to see Garnet slam the anvil through the face of one of the Hextadons. The beast fell with a mighty boom next to the roadie, motivating him to charge towards Garnet with his axe despite the obvious boon she had on herself. The other Hextadon, the one with the missing tusk, reared back up and sent another shockwave out, but Garnet leaped up before it could hit her and she grasped onto the beast's hair. Raptor Elks had begun to gather around the battle, leaping out at her and lashing with their horns in an attempt to assist. Urchins stood on the sidelines, waiting for proper openings. Eddie began to climb up the Hextadon as well, meeting Garnet at the top.

Garnet swung forward with the anvil, but Eddie dodged beneath it and lashed out, planting the Blade of Ormagöden into Garnet's side. Garnet dropped the anvil at the blow, the massive weight of it breaking the Hextadon's spine and causing it to fall. Eddie lost grip of his axe as the mammoth stumbled, sending them both to the ground. The fall caused the blade to dig further into Garnet's side, forcing her rage to subside. The Berserk faded, leaving her with a strong pain from the wound. Garnet weakly used another blue magic spell: White Wind, a healing spell learned from the Vector Lythos in a rather odd battle. The wound healed up, but she still felt weak.

Eddie and Garnet both looked at each other. Garnet slammed the Blade of Ormagöden into the Hextadon's body, preventing either of them from using it unless they felt like wrestling it out of the blubber and muscle. Garnet spoke,

"No weapons."

Eddie and Garnet circled each other like boxers. Eddie jabs forward, hitting Garnet's shattered ribs. She wails, but quickly retaliates with a strong uppercut. The remaining creatures gather around them in a circle, making a ring of sorts around the battle. Fist after fist slammed into the roadie and barbarianess, eyes go black from contact with bloody knuckles. Teeth are knocked loose or clean out, and abdomens are bruised. The two begin to excessively sweat, making the smells of Eddie's leather jacket and Garnet's pelts much stronger. The beasts get antsy.

Eddie lands a hefty blow on the jaw of his opponent, knocking it out of socket. Garnet almost falls backwards, a Raptor Elk barely backing away in time to avoid her stumbling. Garnet lashes back out with a strong punch in Eddie's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Eddie slams a punch into Garnet's arm, then her chest, then her face. The barbarianess can barely see as blood rushes over her face. She looks like crap, feels like crap, but she's not going down yet. Eddie feels the same. Neither is a boxer, but both are ready to see who will get the knockout. They both lash out with another punch, but both fall short. They need to catch their breath. Garnet pops her jaw back into place with a loud snap.

"I've got to admit," Eddie begins, "I didn't think your blue magic was so strong."

"Me also must admit," replies Garnet, "Me didn't think music so strong."

They both regain their composure, stretching a bit. When they resume their fite, Eddie starts by sweeping out with a leg, tripping his opponent and sending her to her knees, where he elbows the back of her head with a strong blow. Garnet would be down for the count if we did counts around here, but she gets up before the number 10 would have been reached.

"We use legs too? In that case..." Garnet's words were accompanied by a twinkle in her eye. Strong kicks suddenly slammed into Eddie's sides faster than he could follow. Eddie tried to retaliate, but the woman in pelts was a much better kickboxer than just a plain boxer. Eddie is pushed near the edge of the circle formed by the beasts. Eddie kicks out during Garnet's volley, managing to push her back onto her rear on the ground. She quickly flipped back up and looked at Eddie.

"Me liked the elephants. Me learned from elephants."

Garnet leaped up and smashed her feet into the ground. A shockwave shot out. Garnet had learned a new blue magic spell from the Hextadons, and now Eddie got hit by the full-force of its blast. Eddie fell backwards from the shockwave, and falls right on to one of the Ground Urchins.
Upon seeing Eddie fall onto the urchin, the other beasts sprinted about in a panic, worried that without his protection the barbarianess would turn on them. The beasts leaped into the crowd and even assaulted the referee as they tried to flee. One of the Raptor Elks even managed to pilfer the referee's cap!

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